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Gel Castronova
Sep 9, 2020
Breaking Up With Depression
This is never an easy thing to do We’ve had a long run, you and I You’ve always been there So many memories and moments shared But you do...
Gel Castronova
Sep 9, 2020
I waited for 3 hours Crushed rose petals on the floor She loves me She loves me not Clock ticking Time passing One dozen flowers wasted...
Gel Castronova
Sep 9, 2020
The Last Minute
In the end it was quiet There were no more jigsaw puzzle pieces to put together. No more crosswords to fill in, No longer a television to...
Maximilian Kurant
Sep 9, 2020
An Ode to Florence and Every Other Beautiful Thing That Will Probably Hurt Me
How many ways are there to say, “You are calling me”? You, A soul I’ve never met. Me, A boy who has never stepped In your side of the...
Emily Sheremeta
Sep 9, 2020
The Myth of Someday
Right now, walking the dog, you think, maybe this memory will resurface eventually for no particular reason. It will not be perfectly...
Maximilian Kurant
Sep 9, 2020
Yell Louder
One time as we were standing on a subway platform, She was standing there with all the acceleration and excitement of the E train itself...
Christopher Bacalla
Sep 9, 2020
an infectious stillness. frozen frame front window ceaseless chaotic change; atoms bouncing rapidly around– never in, never touching this...
Blanca Perez
Sep 9, 2020
Infestation of my mind! Ghost ever-present you have proved, This embrace will not loose. How hast thou hold over me, Delirious...
Maximilian Kurant
Sep 9, 2020
He still draws me pictures Every time I come home And I hope He never stops For even when it feels he has nothing To hold I want him to...
Christopher Bacalla
Sep 9, 2020
Cash Machine Concerns
Forward is restriction. Each decision– past and potential, regrettable, deterring me from changing any now. And so I wait. The courage...
Nicole Zilker
Sep 9, 2020
New Memories
lost my scarf in the wind last year or was it the year before? this year rotten eggs before easter this year drink for no reason no...
Emily Sheremeta
Jun 8, 2020
Warm Palms
I held a mug of green tea with extra lemon that felt like a childhood. Not mine, though it was just a little different, as if everything...
Blanca Perez
Jun 8, 2020
The Island which has visited me thrice already in my dreams...
Pristine, Immovable Island You stand towering in the distance off the shore which I stand. My ears are numb to the shrieks and moans Of...
Maximilian Kurant
Jun 8, 2020
Even the Nurses are Praying
To the nurses who gathered in the prayer room as my mom received her life-saving liver transplant and are now risking their lives to save...
Ian Beckman
Jun 8, 2020
Delta V
It was a small, sad house. A sad neighborhood, too. A sad habitat most of all. Twenty-something billion tons of steel and dirt, New...
Livia Zarge
Jun 8, 2020
She seared herself to the backs of his eyelids. He was destined to forever be chasing every particle of matter that made her up, couldn't...
Emanuel Campo
Jun 8, 2020
Blood dries to deep amber resin setting sweetly. Earthbound vessels carry rest and repair upward create solace in the arms of maples....
Christopher Bacalla
Jun 8, 2020
Size Down
When the world is feeling large I need only look out and see the electric wires that are but a man's length from my window, a low ceiling...
Nicole Zilker
Jun 8, 2020
The moonbeams that taunt me With false day, false hope, Do not tremble at my step. They do not fear my worship, My moondance. But so does...
Livia Zarge
May 19, 2020
He described her- not explicitly -like light. Stars that guided him through the night. She blazed a path and he couldn’t help but follow....
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